Transport Cities are areas set up specifically to meet the needs of local and foreign carriers, both freight and passengers.

Cities Transport offer convenient access and put at the service of drivers modern facilities, full-featured, for vehicle maintenance, and all the facilities for the rest of the carriers.

The CTZ is undoubtedly a benchmark in the north of Spain. In addition to being integrated into the European corridors of movement of goods, well-connected to high-capacity roads and great intermodal projection, It offers quality services in a safe and orderly environment.

The parking guarded at night by human and electronic means, at very competitive prices, allows driving professionals can rest easy. In addition, GESTAPAR offers in the Driver Centre, multitude of services to make more comfortable the work of carrier.


We are reopening the driver centre. We want to be the point of service to you, driver. A place of rest and improve your working conditions.


• Lounge.

• With microwave to warm your food.

• Beverage vending machines, coffee and various.

• Tables where do your administrative work.

• Press specializing in the carrier business.

• Free WIFI.

• Computer service.

• Printer service.

• Photocopies.

• FAX Service.

• In addition to the usual facilities such as showers and rooms (at affordable prices) to rest or spend the night.


Possibility of sending your monthly billing.

TF: 976 150 250, 618 193 494 and 616 423 974 Driver Centre

e- mail: administració

                     WE WAIT FOR YOU